Urban Justice Center
Service Areas: City-wide
UJC is a civil legal services organization that advocates for a just, fair, and decent society. Founded in 1984, UJC serves New York City’s most vulnerable, hard-to-reach, and low-income residents through a combination of direct legal services, systemic advocacy, community education, and community organizing.
Each of our independent Projects provides specific vulnerable communities with services related to these “essentials of life.”
Our Domestic Violence Project protects survivors of intimate partner violence, allowing them the right to a safe, self-determined future. Our Freedom Agenda is a member-led project dedicated to organizing people and communities directly impacted by incarceration to achieve decarceration and system transformation. Our Human Rights Project promotes recognition and implementation of the full spectrum of human rights in the United States. Our Mental Health Project works to enforce the rights of low-income New Yorkers with mental health concerns. Our Safety Net Project provides legal representation to ensure access to public benefits for low-income New Yorkers; defends tenants against eviction and violation of their rights; provides legal support for tenant organizing campaigns; and provides legal advocacy services and organizing for homeless New Yorkers. Our Sex Workers Project provides legal services, advocacy, education, and organizing for the human rights of sex workers. Our Street Vendor Project works to correct social and economic injustice faced by NYC street vendors. In addition, our Social Justice Accelerator mentors up and coming social justice leaders, helping to guide their advocacy work and leap over the hurdles of forming a free-standing 501c3.
40 Rector Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10006